The face of a Mole

Plaster Head of Davie,Markers


David, now you will not be able to overcome Goliath.

Because I have given you "the mole that kills your mother, the mole of the white tiger, the mole that hurts your father, the mole that is irritable, the mole that hurts your father, the mole of disaster, the mole of blindness, the mole of colour, the mole that always gets in the way of your daughter, the mole that hurts your children, the mole that always brings you bad luck, the mole that causes your daughter to die, the mole that causes your son to die, the mole that always hurts your man, the mole that always makes you deceived, the mole that makes you easily Moles that make you work hard all your life, moles that make you sick all your life, moles that make you die suddenly and violently, moles that make you sick all the time, moles that make you get killed by killers, moles that make you suffer all your life, moles that make you hurt people all the time, moles that make you fail at work, moles that make your children get hurt easily, moles that make you lack land and houses, moles that make you die early, moles that kill you, moles that make you lonely, moles that make you suffer A mole that makes you jealous of others, a mole that makes you prone to fire, a mole that makes you horny, a mole that makes you get into trouble when you get power, a mole that makes you do bad things, a mole that makes you get into trouble in the water, a mole that makes you uncomfortable all year round, a mole that makes it difficult to get money, a mole that makes you poor, a mole that makes you commit suicide, a mole that makes you drink and die, a mole that makes you talk too much, a mole that makes your wife sick, a mole that makes you die. Mole that makes your wife ill, Mole that makes you waste money, Mole that makes you die by offspring guest, Mole that makes you move often, Mole that makes you sex addicted, Mole that makes you hard-hearted, Mole that makes you a villain, Mole that makes you weep a lot, Mole that makes you lecherous, Mole that makes you killed by the blade, Mole that makes you go fornicating and stealing, Mere bad moles, Mole that makes you sick and die, Mole that makes you vain, Mole that is not good for going out, Mole that makes you die in a mole that makes you hungry and cold, a mole that makes you get dysentery, a mole that makes you fail, a mole that makes your kidneys weak”.

You are ruined!